Wooden Spatula

Spatula is very important utensil while we're cooking. There are so much kinds of spatula and it depends on his material just like stainless stell spatula, wooden spatula, and rubber spatula. A wooden spatula is a utensil commonly used in food preparation or cooking process. This wooden spatula is washed with soap and rinse with water until clean, then dry it and after that storage with other utensil.

Here it is the history of wooden spoon. The word spoon derives from an ancient word meaning a chip wood or horn carved from a larger piece. Wooden spoons were easy to carve and thus inexpensive, making them common throughout history. Roman period spoons have been recovered from exvacations in the City of London. The Anglo Saxons were great workers of wood, as were the Vikings, and both these groups of settlers to the British Isles produced wooden spoons for domestic uses.



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