Hello everyone.. Last week i'm busy with "Training of Chocolate Ingradients Manufacterers".This training is really good, we can learn everything about chocolate just like how to growth, how to make liquor, chocolate butter and chocolate cake, and from there i can learn many product from chocolate, i feel really lucky to be participant on this training.

On this training, we stay for a week in Balai Diklat Industri dormitory. They give us eating on breakfast, lunch and dinner, and coffee break 2 times. They treat us really comfortable and they give the best service in there so the participants is not desperate with the condition in there, but the participant really enjoying everything.

So the first day, we were learning everything about chocolate on teory class. We are learning from Mr. Agusalim and Mr. Syahrial, from Mr. Agusalim we are learning about Chocolate and from Mr. Syahrial we are learning about how to work safetly in the kitchen. We are start from 8 o'clock in the morning and finish on 4 o'clock in the afternoon, so thats how the first day end. The second day we do practical in the kitchen, we make dodol chocolate, chocolate jam, 3 in 1 chocolate (beverage), and chocolate ginger (beverage). When we making dodol chocolate we have to really becarefull on the first step until the final step because the dodol chocolate will fail and we have to start from the beginning. Honestly, my group make dodol chocolate twice, because on the first one we fail the beginnig process, but luckly the second process we make it and it becomes beautiful dodol chocolate. After everything done, we come back to Balai Diklat Industri and thats how the second day ending. It is same as the 3rd day (brownies chocolate, pie chocolate and almond crispy chocolate). And the 4th day we did some administration until complete. The 5th day, we did the final test on the kitchen to test us if we competent or not and the last day, they announce our final test and Praise to the Lord that we 100% past this training, and we do some evaluation too, and after everything done, we are going back to our home. It such a really good experience that i can participate to this event that we can learn so much thing about chocolate and we gather with our friends and meet a new friends from other university too. I hope that i can participate to another training on Balai Diklat Industri and i can increase my knowledge to be an enterpreneur in the future.

Thank you so much to everyone who read this blog, i'm really happy to share this experience and if you have any question, critics or any suggestion, please email me on or you can comment it down bellow.. 

Sumber :

  • Kepala BDI Makassar
  • Drs. Agusalim, MM
  • Syahrial, S.Sos., M.AP.
  • Muh. Musawantoro, S. Pd. M. Pd
  • Faisal Akbar Zaenal, SST. Par.
  • Dr. H. Syamsu Rijal, M. Pd


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