Hazelnuts Nutrition Facts Hazelnuts are sweet, and incredibly nutritious edible kernels from the "birch" or Betulaceae family of trees. “Filbert” (C.maxima) is similar in kind and related to the common hazel but only differing in having its nut totally covered by its tubular involucre. In Britain, both of these nuts are in general enjoyed as "cobnuts." Scientific name: Corylus avellana. The hazel is a small deciduous tree originated in southern Europe and Turkey. It is now being cultivated in many regions of the world, including the USA as a major commercial crop. Hazels appear in clusters. Each nut is held inside the short leafy involucre or "capsule" enclosing about three-quarters of the kernel. Each yellow-brown color kernel is roughly spherical to oval in shape, about 1.5-2 cm long and 1.2 -2 cm broad, featuring a light scar at its base. They generally fall out of this leafy involucre or capsule once ripe about 7-8 months after p...