This is the enterance Last Thursday I went to local market alone because all of my friends left me. They went to Paotere Local Market. I don't know where it is and I don't know how to went there. So I decided to went to local market all by my self. I choose Kalimbu Local Market because I know this market, my mother usually came in here to buy some vegetable. Vegetable's price in here more cheaper than other market because all of the ingredients is fresh from other villages' farmer. The ingredients and the seller comes from other village just like Jeneponto, Bantaeng, Balla Kaji, and others. The local people were so humble and funny, they were so welcome to me, that was made me felt so comfortable. This local market located in Bayam street. Kalimbu Local Market open from 02.00 - 11.00. People can buy vegetables drive thru (without parking the motorcycle), but car can't enter this road because it's too small for a car. That was my first time went to local m...