
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2017


This is the enterance Last Thursday I went to local market alone because all of my friends left me. They went to Paotere Local Market. I don't know where it is and I don't know how to went there. So I decided to went to local market all by my self. I choose Kalimbu Local Market because I know this market, my mother usually came in here to buy some vegetable. Vegetable's price in here more cheaper than other market because all of the ingredients is fresh from other villages' farmer. The ingredients and the seller comes from other village just like Jeneponto, Bantaeng, Balla Kaji, and others. The local people were so humble and funny, they were so welcome to me, that was made me felt so comfortable. This local market located in Bayam street. Kalimbu Local Market open from 02.00 - 11.00. People can buy vegetables drive thru (without parking the motorcycle), but car can't enter this road because it's too small for a car. That was my first time went to local m...


A food service operation needs to have clearly defined storage areas and procedures for several reasons. First, by providing storage facilities it is possible to purchase supplies in quantities large enough quantities to get price breaks. Second, the ability to store supplies on the premises reduces the cost and time needed to order supplies and handle them upon delivery. Third, menu planning is easier when you are aware of the quality, quantity, and types of supplies that are on hand. If there is a run on a particular menu item, it is nice to know there are enough materials on hand to ensure that everyone who orders the item can be served. In today’s market, many food service operations are reducing the amount of stock they keep on hand because storage is expensive. Not only does space need to be found but security needs to be tight. Many operators are willing to pay a bit extra to suppliers in order to avoid the headaches of keeping track of expensive items such as large q...


For this middle test (5th Semester) we must made video about culinary as a condition to attend our practical mid test. So I choose to make some video culinary about gado-gado. And I choose 2 place as my destination. One simple restaurant and one is hotel's restaurant. I choose them because I want to show you guys the big differences between them. Check it out!


HISTORY The SAMOSA probably travelled to India along ancient trade routes from Central Asia. Small, crisp mince-filled triangles that were easy to make around the campfire during night halts, then conveniently packed into saddlebags as snacks for the next day's journey. According to the “The Oxford Companion to Food” the Indian samosa is merely the best known of an entire family of stuffed pastries or dumplings popular from Egypt and Zanzibar to Central Asia and West China. Arab cookery books of the 10th and 13th Centuries refer to the pastries as sanbusak (the pronunciation still current in Egypt, Syria, & Lebanon), sanbusaq or sanbusaj, all reflecting the early medieval form of the Persian word: sanbosag. Claudia Roden (1968) quotes a poem by Ishaq ibn Ibrahim-al-Mausili (9th Century) praising the sanbusaj. By the early 14th Century, it was not only a part of Indian cuisine but also food fit for a king. Amir Khusrao, prolific poet of Delhi royalty, observed in...